Team-Building Events: Why These Need to Be High-Value Target Engagements

June 19, 2023 Mario Stewart

As a NY event planner, you’re always looking for innovative ways to land new event clients and host more events. And if you’re in the corporate event space, there’s a niche worth targeting right now that can yield incredible results for your business. Yes, product launches, industry conferences, and company holiday parties are important. But don’t overlook the value of team-building events. Here’s why your event planning business should regard these types of events as high-value target engagements worth pursuing. And these reasons should inspire you to enhance your event planning marketing strategies accordingly to start landing more corporate clients.

Team-Building Events Can Happen at Any Time

With many of the corporate events, holiday parties, and conferences you plan, most are annual occurrences. This means you have a once-in-a-year opportunity to land these types of clients for your event business. But the team-building event isn’t bound by holidays or annual traditions. They can happen any time of year and with frequency. One client can have several team-building events throughout the year, some hosting these company parties every season, making these engagements more valuable to you as an event planner.

Corporate Clients Can Always Be Sold on Hosting a Team-Building Event

You can stay engaged with all your corporate clients and company brands when you can sell them on the idea of hosting a team-building event. Use your event planning services and the countless company benefits of regular employee parties to stay in touch with big-name companies and corporate targets. You always have a reason to call these prospects and ask for a meeting when you're promoting the advantages and perks of hosting a team-building event for their employees. Sell them on the team-building event and then keep them on as event clients for all their other annual or seasonal events throughout the year.

Team-Building Events Allow for Creative Freedom

If you’re planning a holiday party, you’re usually expected to keep with holiday themes and more traditional holiday engagements. But with team-building events, you have incredible freedom to get creative. From indoor to outdoor, live bands to DJs, and every exciting game and activity in between, team-building events present HUGE opportunities for you to really shine as an event planner.

These Brand Clients Serve As Great Testimonials

Another reason you should be targeting team-building event clients is the testimonials. Once you’ve successfully executed a brilliant team-building event for a high-profile corporate client, you can build on that relationship for all other events going forward. And you can collect countless testimonials adding to your portfolio of success stories!

If you’re not targeting team-building event clients for your New York events business, get inspired to start with these key benefits. And gain more valuable strategies to boost your business by attending The Event Planner Expo 2023! Get in the room with events industry experts who can provide you with all the best ways to target new clients and grow your business to new heights! Tickets are available for The Expo now and you won’t want to miss this three-day events industry conference!

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