Understanding How to Curate Fully Immersive Events in New York City

August 16, 2024 Desiree Homer

Immersive experiences in New York City are on another level altogether. With the latest event technology at your fingertips, you can curate a fully immersive event experience for your clients. Engaging each of the senses and using a combination of real, virtual, or augmented environments is a key strategy in all this. Immersive events bring value to guests and to the experience as a whole, as well as communicate a brand’s story in a memorable way. Let’s explore how to curate an unforgettable and immersive event!

1. Define The Event’s and Experience’s Purpose

Defining the purpose of the event as a whole is a great way to start developing direction and trajectory for the event’s details. The experience itself should also have a specific goal. Is it to build a brand’s rapport with the guests? Reach a new audience? Maybe generating sales is this experience’s goal. Have your clients really think about what they want to accomplish with an immersive experience, and then you can curate the details even more accurately.

2. Weave In A Story

We all love a good plot, right? Curate an immersive experience for your client and “do it for the plot.” We as humans resonate with stories, fictional or not. Eliciting emotion, grasping guests' attention, and creating a storyline that’s easy to follow and resonate with all help establish scaffolding to weave the client’s goals into. It could be the story of your clients’ startup, product development, or even just a story of a brand’s goals and mission.

3. Get The Crowd Involved

This seems a little obvious. New York event planners make it their job to get guests involved in the event they’re developing. In terms of an immersive experience, integrating elements like color shifting, sound shifting, or responsive technology that moves with guests as they interact with the elements all elevates the overall feel. Direct participation means that guests will spend more time with an experience and create stronger memories.

4. Engage As Many Senses As You Can

Sometimes, not all the senses can be tickled at once. For example, smell is probably one of the hardest to integrate in a practical way for a technology company, other than taste (outside of a food-centric immersive experience). If your clients are a food-based brand, however, these will be their strongest contenders for guest’s attention. Again, this boils back down to the goals of your client, your client’s event, and this particular immersive experience. Integrate audiovisual technology, touch-interactive equipment, etc.

Learn So Much More At The Event Planner Expo 2024

Curating an immersive experience as a New York event planner is a special superpower. You’ll stand out from the crowd indefinitely when you learn to hone this craft. The Event Planner Expo 2024 this October in New York City is the perfect place to explore what skills can help set you apart as an NYC event planner, from immersive experiences to technology integration to post-event data analysis. This three-day event is great for showcasing your knowledge as an event planner, networking with other industry professionals, and creating lasting professional relationships. Get your tickets now and see all there is to see and pick up some new skills and insights along the way.

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