Top 5 Reasons Why Your Event Planning Website Needs a Blog

August 13, 2020 Nina Degori

If you have set up your event planning website, you may have heard some conflicting advice on the topic of blogging. One popular narrative about this medium is that “blogging is dead.” However, that statement couldn’t be further from the truth!


In this article, we will look at the top 5 reasons why your event planning website needs to take advantage of a blog.

1. Blogs Drive Traffic

In fact, one Hubspot study showed that companies that blog have 55% more website traffic than those that don’t. Blogs are so versatile because, not only can you write articles on any topic related to your event planning business, but you can use those articles in various ways to help drive traffic back to your site.


In blogging, SEO is the name of the game. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” Put simply, SEO is the process of utilizing keywords and other tricks to show Google that you know what you’re talking about! The goal is that Google will recognize your site as a know-it-all in your industry due to your SEO efforts, so the next time someone in your area googles one of your keywords, your website will appear on the first page!


On top of driving Google traffic, you can also announce new blog content on your social media channels to turn “followers” into “website visitors.” More on that later.

2. Increase leads and conversions

Companies that blog experience an average of 67% more leads than companies that don’t. Blogs are a simple, valuable way to enter people into your sales funnel.


Each of your blog posts should include a CTA (Call To Action) at the end. In other words, what do you want people to do after reading your blog post? Do you want them to comment or share on social media? Do you want them to subscribe to your email list? Your CTA can be anything that you want, but it should be something that moves that visitor further down your sales funnel.


For instance, one popular use for blogs is building an email list. Your CTA can re-direct readers to a landing page where they can receive a special offer or “freebie” in exchange for their email address.


Voila! Your blog has successfully converted a website visitor into an email subscriber where they can continue to receive marketing efforts from your event planning business and (hopefully) make a purchase down the line.

3. Generate social media content

A common problem for many event planning businesses that utilize content marketing strategies is a lack of social media content. If you’ve ever found yourself racking your brain for what to post on social media, this applies to you.

First of all, blogs are super useful to generate social media content that will drive visitors to your website. They are also useful in starting a dialogue with followers. Turn a quote from your latest blog post into an on-brand graphic using Canva. Then, use the post caption to announce your new blog post and ask a relevant question to start a conversation in the comments.


Bonus tip:Increased follower engagement will also help build your social media following, and quote graphics are great for prompting comments/shares.

4. Position yourself as an event planning authority

Blog articles are a great way to provide valuable content to visitors while also positioning yourself as an authority in the event planning industry. You can really show the full breadth of your knowledge on a particular topic, which will help people feel more confident in paying for your services.


You can even include pictures of your past event work to demonstrate the point of your article. For instance, if you are writing about popular wedding color schemes, include some pictures of a wedding you’ve planned in the past that show off those color schemes. This is a savvy way to provide your readers with valuable content while also showing off your event planning skills.

5. Positive ROI

The beauty of blogging is that it costs nothing but your time! Of course, you always have the option of paying an SEO expert or copywriter for articles, but it’s also entirely possible to learn the basics on your own.


Whichever route you take, the potential for a positive ROI is huge! In fact, marketers who prioritized blogging in 2019 experienced 13x more ROI than those who didn’t.


As you’ve seen, a blog can be a hugely beneficial addition to your event planning website. If you’re ready to start taking advantage of this strategy, check out our article on “How To Have a Successful Blog for Your Business” to find out how to get started!


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