What Event Professionals Need to Know About Event-Led Growth

December 16, 2022 Desiree Homer

Every New York event planner aspires to grow their business and scale their efforts. And you likely have a detailed business plan and mission to help you improve your bottom-line results. But not all growth efforts are created equal, nor will they all be effective. And there is a new movement within the events industry that’s inspiring a change in how you think and approach business growth. Event-led growth can be a game-changing perspective for your New York event business. And here’s what event professionals need to know to get in on this industry growth trend.

What Does Event-Led Growth Mean?

What does event-led growth mean to you? If you’re a little cloudy on the details, here’s some perspective to consider. Event industry professionals have been recognizing this movement in recent months, and it’s how today’s event planners can expect to grow and scale their businesses in 2023 and beyond.

Consider this. When you think about company growth, you likely assume we mean profit margins and revenue. But with an event-led growth approach, it’s more about engagement with your staff, clients, and community. It’s not enough to have a brand anymore. Today’s event planners need to have a brand impact. 

If you’re like most event pros and looking for the next big thing in events, it’s an adjusted perspective to focus on engagement, not revenue, that will drive growth results. Redefine the purpose and mission of every event you plan through a lens of authentic experiences. Those moments will provide far more value than any other event aspect, thus driving growth and success for your business.

Inspiring and Driving In-Person Engagements

So, what can event planners do to tap into this event-led growth movement? Start by segmenting your offerings into accommodating smaller engagements. Companies and individuals today are looking for more frequent yet smaller engagements to create more intimacy and better experiences. 

Another front you should prepare to embrace and dominate is the hybrid event. Your clients are getting back to in-person events, but they’re not abandoning the online engagement either. Instead, they’re choosing New York conferences and social events that include digital opportunities. They’re inviting broader audiences and offering more ways to connect. Look for ways to engage digitally, harnessing every available tool in the arsenal to make it educational, enlightening, and empowering. It’s the virtual aspect of your event planning that will captivate your guests in a way that provides more value.

Focus on Creating Experiences

Event-led growth requires a new mindset. You’re not just selling your event or event-related services. Instead, event planners should focus on selling the memorable and valuable experiences. Create shared experiences and make engagement the core priority of any New York event, conference, trade show, or even bar/bat mitzvah.

The return to in-person events has inspired a new event-led growth movement. Consider these insights as you develop your business strategies. Join the movement and change how you approach this new face of events in 2023. And get all the business growth inspiration you need by attending The Event Planner Expo 2023. Make sure you’re on the waitlist today!

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