How to Structure Your Event Email Invitations for Results

July 26, 2023 Jessica Stewart

While your upcoming event might call for snail-mail invitations, you’ll likely still need a digital version to send to potential guests online. Crafting the most effective email invitation requires a few key elements. And today, we’ll share insights for just how to structure your event invitation for email campaigns. These details matter most when it comes to boosting RSVPs and New York event attendees.

Compelling Subject Lines

Get creative and conversational about your event invitation email subject lines. Don’t be salesy, and avoid too many emojis, as your email could be labeled as spam. Instead, keep it short and engaging, with the word “invitation” to inform recipients what the email contains.

Personalized Greetings

While email invitation templates are ideal, generic recipient greetings are not. Make sure you’re personalizing your emails for each guest, addressing them by name. You can include an opening line with an additional greeting, as well. Customized emails feel more personalized to the email recipient. And they’ll be less likely to “file away” your email if they believe your email was expressly sent to them.

Event Announcement 

The next line of content in your event invitation email should announce the New York event itself. Whether it’s a corporate event, a fundraising gala, or a social event celebration, make it prominent in your email. Don’t elaborate too much or get too wordy with the “about” or “why” of your event, either. Instead, keep it brief and catchy and provide a “learn more” link to your event landing page.

Layout the Event Details

Next up in your event invitation email are the official event details. Here’s where you use a unique font to list the event date, location, time, and duration. Make it easy for your email recipients to see the event details they need to know, maybe using bullet points or graphics to showcase them.

Make Your RSVP Call to Action Easy

Close out your email with a link and specific instructions for how your recipients can RSVP. If they are encouraged to respond immediately, make the next step easy with a quick link and one-line directives. Should your event involve ticket purchases, include the ticket details and links to purchasing pages. Also, include any deadlines to respond to create a subtle sense of urgency for guests to respond.

Timing for Your Email Invitation Strategy Matters

Be sure to send out your email invitations early enough for guests to make plans to attend - usually several weeks or months ahead, depending on the type of event. And develop a series of reminder campaigns you can send to follow up with those who have yet to respond. As the event date approaches, your follow-up emails should be more urgent, recapping the event details briefly with more poignant CTAs.

Keep these insights in mind as you structure your event invitations for email. And learn more about what today’s event planners do for boosted attendance results by attending The Event Planner Expo 2023 in New York City this October. This three-day conference is the premier engagement event for anyone in the events industry. And it’s a high-energy networking and learning experience your event planning business can’t afford to miss! Get tickets NOW!

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