Knowing where and how to apply your marketing dollars is imperative in any functional and effective event marketing plan. Where once upon a time advertising an upcoming event meant placing an ad in local newspapers, magazines, and distributing invitations or flyers, today it means something totally different.
Technology has taken over and now digital marketing is the most prominent form of promoting events. Millennials have taken event marketing to an entirely new level and have forced all generations to go digital to connect to brands. People are now accustomed to learning about products and services by way of pictures, videos, blogs, and live feeds. In other words, it now suffices to encourage target audiences by appealing to only one of the five human senses. Sight.
The team at The Event Planner Expo strongly encourages event professionals who are looking to fully grasp the latest concepts in digital marketing to follow one of the top influencers in the industry. Amy Landino is an award-winning author, creator, speaker, and vlogger who is dedicated to teaching her audience how to master their advertising goals. So, if you’re looking to strengthen your event marketing strategy, attending the 2019 Event Planner Expo where Amy Landino will be speaking is highly recommended.
Amy Landino the Vlogging Boss
Before marrying husband Vincenzo Landino, Amy started her career using her maiden name Amy Schmittauer as listed in her business & economics book “Vlog Like a Boss.” In this complete guide written by this marketing triple threat, she tutors people on how to leverage video marketing to reach their goals. Amy learned firsthand just how fruitful video marketing is after creating her YouTube series “Savvy Sexy Social.” She attracted millions of viewers by talking about operative tactics and strategies in digital marketing that are proven to work. Her years of experience and informative delivery style attracted a global community who were looking to:
- Overcome their fears in video marketing
- Create engaging videos
- Begin vlogging
- Form their on-camera persona
- Succeed in growing their audience
You can tune into her weekly show by subscribing to AmyTV on YouTube where each week’s new episode is intended to provide women with the needed tools to live their best life. As a digital marketing influencer, Amy is devoted to helping her followers achieve their goals by teaching them how to discover their true calling and implement an effective digital marketing strategy to profit from their passions.
Beyond being a successful entrepreneur, Amy Landino is a Millennial luminary who has earned her accolades because of her insightful mentoring methods to empower women.
As Landino travels the world teaching business owners how to gain the attention they seek from their potential customers, she will make a stop in New York to enlighten event professionals how to do the same at The Event Planner Expo.
For Event Planners in New York who are interested in learning more about event marketing methods and how to grow your event planning business with tried and proven tactics by Gary Vee, be sure to buy your tickets for The Event Planner Expo 2019.