5 Ways You Can Get in the Room with Top Industry Leaders

June 8, 2022 Jessica Stewart

We’ve outlined great strategies to help event planners get in the room with top decision-makers and new client prospects. But there are also some action steps New York event planners should be taking to make those engagements happen. Here’s a list of verbs to put action behind your strategies and make the most efficient and effective impressions that land new clients.

1. Call Them

All the digital marketing advice and social media ads in the world can’t replace the good, old-fashioned conversation. In today’s digital environment, don’t lose sight of the value of a phone call. Infuse your effort with personalization and introduce yourself with a friendly and professional voice, even if it’s voicemail. You can then use those calls as a reason to follow up via email, requesting a time to meet.

2. Send Engaging and Non-Salesy Emails

Speaking of emails, take the necessary steps to land your brand and your message right in their inboxes. You can’t guarantee top industry leaders will see your online ad or visit your website. And you can’t predict whether or not they’ll answer the phone. But every business professional dedicates time every day to scroll through their emails. An interesting subject line and personalized email introduction can help you get in the room with them. Remember to keep those messages engaging by offering relevant information and not being overly salesy. You can’t sell them with an email. You can, however, open the door for a meeting with one.

3. Introduce Yourself at Events

For most New York event planners, networking events are mission-critical for landing new clients. It’s where you’ll have opportunities to meet and greet with some of your biggest target prospects and industry leaders. But don’t just attend events or networking get-togethers. Get in there with an intention of meeting people. Even introducing yourself to colleagues can lead to ground-breaking introductions later. Take action at these chance meetings to squeeze every networking benefit out of the engagement. And if you really want to get in the room with industry leaders, national brands, and key decision-makers, get your tickets for The Event Planner Expo 2022 now.

4. Solve Their Problems 

Probably the quickest way to get in the room with a strategic new client is by demonstrating your ability to solve their problems. Don’t just promote event planning services. Get creative to outline and showcase what problems you’re able to solve with your services. Most people already know or presume to know what it is that you do. Demonstrate value with your problem-solving skills and get in the room.

5. Be Different 

Networking and coordinating with fellow event planners are essential for business growth. But when you’re trying to get in the room with big clients, you have to find ways to stand out from the rest. Promote your niche services and unique differentiators to make a memorable impression. You’ll land the meeting every time when you’re able to offer something new and varied from what most event planners have to offer.

Take your strategies and sprinkle in these action steps to start seeing real results. Get in the room with key decision-makers who can be revolutionary to your business growth. And again, the action step you should take right now is to secure your tickets to The Event Planner Expo 2022 and 10-Year Anniversary Celebration. The who’s who of key industry leaders will be in attendance and ready to make new introductions in the event industry space. 

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