Close More Event Clients When You Leverage These 5 Sales Techniques

June 23, 2023 Mario Stewart

Some days, you just wish you had more leads and more event clients to close. But instead of wishing, you can be exploring these brilliant sales techniques and methods, proven to increase your ability to drive sales, close deals, and plan more New York events.

1. Sell Them on the Event, Not Just Your Services

Make part of your presentation and proposal about your event planning services, but not all of it. You’ll increase your chances of closing the deal if you spend more time emphasizing the genius designs and big ideas behind the event itself. Clients will buy into your designs, themes, skills, and execution. Make your pitch about their event and how elevated it will be with you at the helm.

2. Make Your Offer More Valuable

Make your offer a no-brainer by outlining added value and listing all the “other” services that come with planning an event. For example, clients sometimes don’t realize the time and phone calls necessary to finalize booking one vendor. Lay that out in your proposal, demonstrating how working with you means YOU’LL handle all those phone calls, negotiations, sampling, and booking tasks on their behalf. Make every ounce of your sales pitch about how easy working with you makes the entire process. And add value wherever you can to sweeten the deal.

3. Provide More Than One Way to Say Yes

Increase your chances of a sales conversion by offering two “yes” options instead of a “yes or no” option. When they can say yes or no, you have a 50/50 shot. But when you introduce a small, medium, and full-service event planning option, you’ll present all yes-related options, boosting your chances of a deal.

4. Recognize the Sales and Events Cycle

Another proven sales technique involves proper management of your prospects’ sales and event cycles. Know when your prospects need to start planning an event, whether it’s a holiday party in December or a summer outing for the company. And be visible with reminders about planning for those engagements using email, phone calls, and social media marketing. If you’re not on their radar when they’re ready to plan an event, they won’t call you. So, know your sales and events cycles and be available at just the right times.

5. Focus On Appointments, Not Sales

Instead of focusing on sales and closed deals, set goals for yourself that involve tracking appointments, meetings, and lunches with your top event clients. Keep the hopper full of appointments, even if you’re just building relationships in the off season. And you’ll always have plenty of sales to close later.

6. Always Be Following Up for Results

After every prospect engagement, presentation meeting, or luncheon, follow up with your event clients. Thank them for meeting with you. Offer them additional information about the event in question or your available services. Keep your name at the top of their inboxes and your business card on the top of the pile with diligent follow up efforts that continue until you officially have a sale.

Tap into these sales methods and start closing more event clients! And if you really want to position yourself as a leading events brand, secure your booth today for The Event Planner Expo 2023!

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