How Food Trucks Can Bring More Than Just Tasty Fare to Your Event

September 27, 2022 Desiree Homer

Another emerging trend in the events industry is the growing popularity of tasty food trucks at events and conferences. There are a host of advantages to consider bringing in specialty trucks in lieu of or in addition to traditional catering. Here is just a recapped shortlist of a few of those perks and benefits worth exploring for your next New York City conference or event.

Food Trucks Can Provide More Options

With so many variations of flavors and specialties, you can bring a food truck to almost any event and provide more snacking or menu options for attendees. Even if you have a traditional catering partner, an ice cream truck for dessert can bring the sweetest additions to your event offerings.

Food Trucks Are Synonymous with Tasty

Food trucks of any flavor are almost always associated with great foods. So, bringing such a positive influence into your event will only allow that positivity to transcend. They can bring elements of casual and conversational tastes to your event’s atmosphere, too. 

Food Trucks Are Low-Maintenance Event Solutions

Depending on your event, introducing a food truck can be a great, low cost and low-maintenance meal solution. Instead of complicated plate selections, meal service, buffets, or meal cleanup, you can bring in the food truck and provide a convenient, easy-access to incredible fare.

Food Trucks Are Often Fresh & Local

Another great perk when you work with a food truck for your events is that there are many that source locally. Menu options are often fresh, providing sustainable and ethically conscious variations, perfect for satisfying event guests. Ask your food truck vendors how they source their ingredients, and use those details as perks to promote your event snack options.

Food Trucks Are Often Family Friendly

A lot of food trucks are family-owned businesses or owned by solopreneurs with a dream. You can support these enterprises by developing partnerships with them and inviting them to your New York events as often as you can.

Food Trucks Are Just Fun

No one, in reality, is going to turn down a frozen yogurt stand or a delicious authentic taco if they have the option to sample. There’s something fun for everyone for guests who can order their own and then mingle in a collective dining area for even more fun networking.

Talk with your event clients about bringing in another element of fun to events with food trucks. And to keep up with other emerging trends in the events industry, make sure you get your tickets right now to The Event Planner Expo 2022 this October!

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