Leveraging Social Media to Attract High-End Clients in NYC’s Event Planning Industry

October 9, 2024 Jessica Stewart

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-clear-wine-glass-NaftblmpF3I?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash

You’ve been an NYC event planner for a few years and have grown a successful business in that time. Now, you’re ready to take it to the next level. With gobs of experience under your belt, you’re ready to start targeting high-end clients in NYC’s event planning industry. You’re in the right place; nearly 350,000 millionaires call New York City home. In this article, we tell you how to use social media to attract wealthy clients for your event planning business.

Set the Groundwork for Working with Affluent Event Planning Clients

Your social media marketing campaign geared towards high-end clients will only work if it’s part of a larger effort to become a NYC event planner for the wealthy. That means before you start Instagramming, tweeting, and Facebooking your way to the echelons of New York society, you must create the framework for an event planning business that caters to affluent clients.

You Are the Product

If you haven’t already, now is the time to polish your look, style, and manners. You don’t need to spend a lot to have well-fitting clothes, manicured hands, and well-kept hair. And it costs nothing to have good manners and learn the art of social interactions. Investing in a polished look sends the message that you value yourself, an essential statement if you want wealthy clients who value you as well.

Create an Event Planner’s Website That Attracts Affluent Clients

One of the primary goals of your social media marketing is to send your audience to your website. Your website should send the message that you specialize in high-end events, and that you understand the unique expectations that wealthy clients have. Your website should also communicate exclusivity, i.e. your rates match the high value you provide.

Develop a Unique, Creative Style & Brand

Whether it’s the architect who designs their homes, the designer who decorates their interiors, or the event planner who plans their events, well-to-do clients put a premium on singularity. Set yourself apart from the crowd by creating events that have your unique stamp on them. You can create a memorable (and favorable) VIP impression when you feature your modus operandi on your social media feed.

Photo by Kerde Severin: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-person-using-iphone-x-1542252/

Create Content That Makes an Emotional Connection With High-Level Event Clients

Now that you’ve laid the foundation for the pivot to high-level event clients, you’re ready to create event planning content that appeals to rich folks. VIP clients have different expectations than budget-minded folks.

Trust Is Paramount for High-End Clients Looking for an NYC Event Planner

Indeed, being a trustworthy NYC event planner is essential regardless of your clientele. However, the wealthy have different reasons for being particularly cautious. This demographic is often the target of scammers and frauds. Additionally, well-heeled clients often place a greater premium on privacy than your budget clients. So, you’ll need to place an emphasis on dependability and discreteness in your social media posts to make inroads into becoming an event planner for high-end NYC events.

Ditch the “B” Word

High-net-worth individuals have a different set of problems and concerns than event planning clients of average means. The first step to making them feel understood is to not speak about the one problem they don’t have: their budget. Luxury is their baseline. So don’t sell aspirational dreams, and forego discounts and freebies.

Sell Them What They Do Want

Affluent clients don’t care about the cost as much as they care about planning an event that is extraordinary. So, use your social media feed to demonstrate that you’re capable of planning a spectacular event. Regardless of an event’s budget, deliver a WOW factor that you can leverage on social media.

Focus on Becoming a Trusted Resource

“Don’t be salesy” is an effective truism regardless of your clientele. However, the wealthy, especially, are less likely to respond to overt sales tactics. Instead, you have to earn their trust — and eventually their business — by being a trusted resource to whom they can turn. So, post event planning information affluent clients would be interested in seeing, like upcoming (and upscale) NYC events, luxury trends in wedding planning, or the latest designer fashion for events.

Photo by JÉSHOOTS: https://www.pexels.com/photo/apple-communication-digital-iphone-3605/

Find VIPs Where They Hang Out Online

A killer social media post won’t make a lick of difference if your target audience doesn’t see it. You need to get your message to the high-level clients you’re trying to attract.

Once you decide to target affluent clients for your NYC event planning business, you’ll likely start hanging out at the places where rich people go. In addition to charity events, country clubs, and upscale restaurants, start hanging out in the same social media circles as the rich and successful.

Use Social Media to Develop Relationships

Look for LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, and Instagram accounts that post content geared toward the well-heeled set. When you find the right places online, don’t resort to selling. Instead, comment and add value to the group. Take the time to build relationships and become a trusted resource.

Invest in Targeted Ads

Targeted ads can get your NYC events in front of the right people. However, don’t just go for people in a certain income bracket. The information on their profile probably isn’t updated, even if they filled it out in the first place. Instead, target your ads toward users who display certain behaviors, such as people who:

  • Spend time in upscale zip codes
  • Travel internationally
  • Have interests in expensive hobbies

Learn More Ways to Attract Your Dream Clients at The Event Planner Expo

New York City has more millionaires than any other city in the world. And with these social media insights, you’re ready to start converting them to clients for your NYC event planning business. Once you start to plan high-end NYC events, your business will grow organically. This is because the wealthy and highly successful often turn to their social circle for referrals when looking for providers, such as event planners.

And you know which NYC conference attracts VIP and high-level event clients? The Event Planner Expo. Every year, thousands descend into NYC for three full days of immersive learning and growth experiences. Past attendees will tell you that they left this premier event with more leads than they were able to secure for themselves all year. Some even close new deals on the spot!

Networking is key to your success, and there’s no better place to connect than The Event Planner Expo with thousands of top event professionals and marketers. Secure your spot and buy your tickets today to make the connections that will drive your business forward!

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