What Today's Corporate Event Guests Wish Event Planners Did Differently

April 19, 2024 Jessica Stewart

Staying on top of trends in the corporate event world is essential. Today’s event planners must adapt to a constantly-changing environment in order to remain relevant. And if you want to appeal to today’s corporate event guests, you have to understand what they’re looking for when they attend an event. Here’s what today’s corporate event guests wish event planners did differently.

Today’s corporate guests wish event planners offered better experiences.

Today’s corporate guests aren’t interested in sitting for hours, enduring lecture after lecture from a never-ending line of speakers. Instead, they want better experiences. Indeed, corporate guests value events that cater to their lifestyles, whether that means accommodating dietary choices, offering yoga classes, or setting up Instagram-worthy backdrops for photos. 

Unique, fun experiences are also a big draw for guests. So be as creative as you can, hire entertainment, and advertise the experiences you have to offer!

Events should have a purpose and offer exclusive opportunities.

With so much information available online, today’s corporate guests don’t see a point in attending an event if it doesn’t serve a purpose and offer something exclusive. Instead, guests want to know that they will receive practical training or exclusive learning and development opportunities. 

Furthermore, guests appreciate innovation and insight. So, the more you can do to show how guests will benefit professionally from your event, the more likely they are to attend. 

Corporate event guests wish planners chose better destinations.

Today’s corporate event guests love to travel and wish their planners chose better destinations. Indeed, the destination is one of the biggest factors guests think about when deciding whether they want to attend your event. 

Additionally, guests like to experience the local charm surrounding their venue. So be sure to offer plenty of opportunities for guests to experience local culture at your event. 

Today’s corporate event guests want greater networking opportunities

Networking plays a major part in whether guests want to attend your event. That’s why today’s corporate guests wish event planners offered more opportunities to build meaningful connections with others in their industry.

However, it also pays to think outside the box. Offer your guests creative, unexpected, and unique experiences that also facilitate meeting and networking with other attendees. After all, no one says you can’t develop professional connections while trying out trapeze chairs, enjoying a performance from your favorite singer, or brushing up on your mixology. 

Having more choices is important to today’s corporate event guests.

Today’s guests value choice, so event planners are wise to offer it. Guests want the ability to choose which meetings and activities to attend, where and how to spend their breakout time, and what type of food they would like to eat. The more choices you offer, the more engaged your guests will be.

Guests also wish event planners offered more flexible options to attend their events. So consider offering options like flexible check-in times and virtual streaming for guests who can’t attend in person.  

Today’s guests wish event planners paid more attention to accessibility, neurodiversity, and belonging.

Accessibility, neurodiversity, and belonging matter to today’s corporate event guests. They want to see accessibility for all, with content adapted for guests with hearing and vision disabilities. Guests also want to focus more on alternative learning options that help neurodiverse guests fully participate in the event. And remember, presenting information in multiple languages is a great way to be more inclusive, too.

However, it’s not enough just to offer inclusive options. Guests want to feel valued and know their voices are being heard, too. So be sure to keep accessibility, neurodiversity, and belonging in mind when planning your next NYC corporate event.

The Event Planner Expo is the absolute BEST place to learn more about what today’s corporate event guests want, along with other trends in the industry. As an exhibitor, you have the opportunity to network with others in the industry, build strategic partnerships, close deals, and generate buzz for your own event planning business. So be sure to reserve your booth today! 

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