5 Tips On Creating A Funnel Site

July 3, 2022 Mario Stewart

Funnel sites, otherwise known as click funnels are websites dedicated to selling products and/or services. They are simple sites designed to showcase the value of your business. The end goal of any click funnel is to make a sale by convincing the user to enter their credit card. A click funnel is a simple website that guides visitors to our products and/or services. There are several tips and techniques to build a good funnel site that will bring in traffic and increase sales.

1. Keep It Simple

One of the main differences between a click funnel and a website can be complicated and confusing, and a funnel site should be a simple and seamless experience. You want to guide people to your products by supplying them with information, value, and several calls to actions. Adding in testimonials is also a great idea. Don’t go overboard with colors and graphics. Stick to a basic color pattern and work from there. Also, don’t include too many links to different sites. The last thing that you want is for your customers to get confused. Simply lay out call to action buttons that lead your viewers to a checkout page. 

2. Add Value

When it comes to making sales, proving that you can deliver value is an absolute necessity. From beginning to end of your click funnel, you should be offering value that will transform your potential customers’ life. Add in testimonials, stats, and proof of your product when you can. At the same time, you don’t want to reveal too much about your product. You want to keep a sense of curiosity. Also, telling your story and background is a great way to share your experience in your field. Then, your viewers know that they are going to be in the hands of someone with expertise and knowledge.  

3. Know Your Customers

When it comes to running a business, you have to know your customers and get inside their head. You have to decipher what products and services are going to offer value. Reach out to customers via social media, email marketing, and video content. With all three of these marketing techniques, there should be calls to actions that direct traffic to your click funnel. Once you have customers, always make sure to nurture them with updates and other products. 

4. Incorporate Upsells 

When it comes to business, making a second sale is always easier than making the first sale. Whenever you are selling a product, you should offer an upsell that adds even more value to your customers. Drill it into their minds that your upsell is guaranteed to change their life for the better. Another great way to create upsells is to develop a value ladder that brings in customers with lower priced offers. Eventually you introduce them to higher and higher priced offers that add more value. This is a great marketing technique that increases sales. 

5. Create Urgency 

A great method of landing a sale on your click funnel is to create a sense of urgency. By showcasing to your viewers that the prices of products will be increasing soon, they are far more likely to buy. At the same time, you can offer limited time offer deals that are set to expire. Creating a sense of urgency shows the value and discount that your customers will get by acting now. Pop ups are a great way to showcase these deals. 

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