How to Create An Effective Event Proposal

December 27, 2022 Desiree Homer

Your success as a New York event planner is rooted in your unique ability to sell your event planning services. And when it comes to creating and presenting an effective event proposal, these are the insights you need to see. Today’s corporate brands, influencers, and event-planning families all have a few common objectives they expect from their event-planning partners. Here’s how you can be sure you're including them in your proposals, helping you to land more clients.

Selling Yourself As Much As Your Services

Any event planner can come in and present a plan to handle the venue, the catering, and the band. But to really stand out with your event proposal, be diligent about selling yourself - your unique self. Your personality and event expertise is the unique differentiator and competitive advantage every proposal should demonstrate. Sell yourself just as much as you sell your event planning services and be different!

Appealing Event Descriptions

Would you rather work with someone who can “handle the catering” or someone who can “leverage a network of catering partners who bring mouth-watering, Instagram-worthy tastes and dishes?” Get creative about writing appealing event descriptions to help bring your vision of the experience to life. Make your event proposal just as memorable as you intend the event itself to be. 

Solving All Their Event Planning Problems

When your client looks at the to-do list for planning the upcoming company party, corporate event, or family celebration, they see hassles and headaches. Your event proposal should address each service through a lens of problem-solving. Lay in your contingency plans and show your preparedness to seamlessly tackle every detail of the event.

Demonstrating Past Event Successes

Every event proposal you create should highlight examples of past similar events you’ve planned. Corporate clients will want to see product launches, company outings, and brand experiences you’ve managed. Families will want to see how fun your past bar/bat mitzvahs have been, too. Use imaging and video of those past successes to sell clients on the experiences you’ve created. And when they see how incredible you are at your craft, they’ll be sold. 

No Hidden Fees

Your clients have a budget, and while you might be able to sell them on budging a little, you don’t want to surprise them with any unexpected fees. Every event proposal should outline all anticipated costs, including any additional fees you might charge for extenuating planning circumstances. So, share price ranges on those event planning unknowns, so your clients can anticipate expenses effectively. The transparency will only build more trust in you as an event planner.

When you work up your event planning proposals, consider formatting some baseline templates with these elements built in for the most effective results. And for more event planning insights, get in the room with the biggest and brightest industry minds by attending The Event Planner Expo 2023! The waitlist is open now and you don’t want to miss a single announcement as we plan for an even bigger and better event this year!

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