The Key Traits of NYC’s Most Successful Event Entrepreneurs

January 15, 2025 Jessica Stewart

Photo by Los Muertos Crew:

Is wondering if you have what it takes to be a successful NYC event planner keeping you up at night? Not to put any pressure on you or anything, but rent in the Big Apple isn’t cheap. And the events industry can be daunting journey for any planner. That’s not us talking. It’s the racing thoughts of your anxiety.

Try some deep breathing, and then read on to find out the key traits of NYC’s Most Successful Event Planners. And don’t worry, you got this.

They Love Planning Events

The best event planners are aware of the impact they’re making. They understand that planning events is about making special moments unforgettable for your clients. And they’re passionate about making sure they get it right.

It’s cliché to say, “Do what you love, and success will follow.” But is it true? Scientists say yes, even if the term they use — “self-concordant goals” — sounds about as passionate as the fine print on your standard terms of service agreement.

“Self-concordant goals” is geek-speak for setting goals that reflect your values, interests, and talents — you know, things that you’re passionate about. Turns out, people who set self-concordant goals tend to achieve those goals. In other words, being passionate about what you do tends to lead to success.

Successful Event Planners Work Really Hard

New York’s most successful event planners work harder than most. And their work ethic is in line with entrepreneurs across the board. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce officially reports that small business owners are working harder than ever, with 50% saying they currently work more hours than they did a year ago. And one survey suggests 10% of entrepreneurs work over 60 hours a week.

Hard work may go hand-in-hand with being a successful event planner. However, working too hard can be counterproductive. Skimping on sleep erodes your ability to make decisions. And overworking can lead to burnout. So, plan on putting in the hours to climb the ladder to event planning success. But remember to pencil in self-care to remain on top of your game.

They Put Their Event Clients First

Event planners who excel put their clients first. They don’t define success as something that they achieved for themselves. Instead, they define success as something they provide to their clients. To them, success isn’t about how much money they make or what kind of car they drive. For these event planning rockstars, success is the smile on the bride’s face, the gala that went off without a hitch, or the corporate getaway that employees actually love.  

Being in service to others is an essential rung on the ladder to success. Richard St. John spent a decade interviewing 500 of the world’s most successful people, searching for common traits among them. He found that placing an emphasis on serving others is characteristic of successful people.

They Adapt Quickly to Change

If there’s one thing you can count on in event planning, it’s that, almost always, something will go wrong. Staff will call out, a server will drop the cake, or maybe child guests accidentally pull the fire alarm. You never know exactly where the snag will be. You just know it’s coming, and you have to be ready.

So, it will come as no surprise that the crème de la crème of NYC event planners have mastered the art of adaptability. It will also come as no surprise that adaptability is a key trait of most all successful people.

One Harvard professor swears by adaptability as being the one trait that leads most to success. At least, that’s the conclusion Professor Joseph Fuller came to when he spent a decade studying successful people.

Being adaptable means that you can pivot depending on what the situation demands. It means that you can find creative solutions to any problem that comes your way. Being adaptable is an essential trait for event planners, and it’s one that the most successful event planners have mastered.

They Are Brave Risk Takers

Just launching your own event planning business in New York City takes courage. But the thrills don’t stop there. You’re committing to an endless series of networking meetings, marketing strategies, and high-stakes event planning. And with each new event, you’re encountering unknowns that you’ll have to bravely navigate. Whew.  

Taking risks is part and parcel of being an event planner.  Mark Zuckerberg said it best when he said, “…the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risks.” However, the relentless pursuit of going beyond your comfort zone isn’t for the faint of heart. That’s why only those who master their fear and learn to take calculated risks achieve event planning success.

The Best Event Planners Have Grit

Grit is the ability to persevere towards your goals despite setbacks. Being a NYC event planner will come with its fair share of setbacks. Some months will bring lackluster earnings, an exciting new lead will sign with your competitor, or an event you poured your heart and soul into will go bust. The only way to be successful is to persevere beyond these perceived failures.

Angela Duckworth popularized the concept of grit through her research. She discovered that grit is a better predictor of success than talent and IQ. However, grit isn’t only about getting back up when you fall down. It also involves learning from your mistakes, leaning into your strengths, and having a growth mindset, which bring us to the next trait of NYC’s most successful event planners.

Successful Event Planners Are Life-Long Learners

Dr. Duckworth found that people with the highest level of grit also embrace a growth mindset. They’re life-long learners who believe they can overcome their weaknesses through dedicated self-improvement.

Top event planners lean into cultivating the skills they need to excel. They understand that they don’t know everything and there’s always room to improve. They seek out mentors, network with other event industry professionals, and attend conferences. A growth mindset says that, even if you think you’re falling short on one (or few) key traits of success, you can develop the skills and characteristics that will take you to the top.

You can start on your path to life-long learning by attending The Event Planner Expo. There, you’ll be able to network with thousands of event professionals and learn from NYC’s most successful event entrepreneurs. Buy your Expo tickets today!  

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