Engaging Virtual Events Begin with These Key Elements

December 12, 2022 Jessica Stewart

New York event planners are always looking for ways and methods to improve their engagements. But with the continued growth and popularity of virtual events and online conferences, it can be challenging to find the best insights for improved digital connection. Keep reading and explore these suggestions for your event planning business. Every engaging virtual event begins with these key elements. This is the foundation from which all online events can be built. And your clients will love the results.

Customizing the Virtual Event to Align with Your Audience

Your virtual event audience will have preferences, just as any in-person event attendee list. Before you even select a date, time, and platform for hosting your event, consider those audience needs and preferences. Customize your virtual engagement, so it aligns with what your online attendees want and expect. 

Defining Online Event Goals

Create a list of goals and key takeaways you want attendees to experience. Your virtual event should be developed with objectives in mind that bring value to your attendees. Any other online event aesthetics might help entertain. But it’s the core value offers that will resonate with your online guests the most.

Creating Appealing Topics

Enlighten, educate, educate, and empower your guests with relevant topics for your virtual event. Segment your online experience into separate points of conversation. Allow for Q&A sessions, breakout sessions, and testimonial sharing. Providing topics that suggest attending your virtual event will provide solutions to problems and insights. Event planners can then create marketing materials centered on those highly appealing topics, attracting and inspiring guests to hop online.

Find Great Online Speakers

Don’t forget the entertainment! Even virtual events rely heavily on outsourced entertainment to improve engagement. Bring in great guest speakers or influencers. Consider inviting online musicians or digital entertainers, too. These key elements will help bring additional value to your virtual event.

Assembling a Virtual Event Team

Along with assembling the right topics, the most engaging platforms, and the best features, your virtual event won’t be a success without also bringing in the right people. Put together a team to execute your online engagement effectively. You might have an event administrator to handle mid-event technical difficulties. You might be the host, but decide to bring in someone animated to be your virtual event emcee. And many New York event planners also assemble their teams to coordinate various breakout sessions or field attendee questions and chats.

Consider these key elements every time you plan a virtual or online conference. They’ll ensure success every time! And for more insights into improving your event planning strategy, get on the waitlist now for The Event Planner Expo 2023!

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