Hectic Day? Keep These 7 Snacks Handy for Boosted Energy

November 22, 2022 Jessica Stewart

There are some days, as an event planner, where you feel on top of your game. You’re hustling and dazzling clients, tying up loose ends, and winning over new prospects. But you also have those days when you just feel sluggish and tired. You’re still effective, yet you feel like you could just as easily take a nap. And for those days or moments throughout your day when the wall of exhaustion hits, turn to your arsenal of healthy and energy-boosting snacks. Don’t you have a stash of quick fuel for those hectic days? Keep this list of healthy snacks on hand and give your energy level the boost it needs to return to your old, hustling self again.

1. Bananas and Peanut Butter, the Snack of Champions

One of the best go-to snacks you can have on hand is still the banana. Full of vitamins and nutrients, it can satisfy your event planning hunger and keep you going. But if you want to take this fruit to the next level, incorporate peanut butter, either as an additional snack or together in a sandwich for a serious protein punch to your day.

2. Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashews

Nuts are great for protein boosts throughout the day, but they’re also super handy to keep in your car, at the office, or in your purse. Eat them anywhere for a quick pick-me-up. And enjoy the added protein your body already needs.

3. The Hard-Boiled Egg for the Protein Win

You can’t necessarily take a hard-boiled egg with you to an event. But anytime you can pack snacks for safekeeping in the fridge or at your desk, include the egg. It’s a filling and satisfying answer to your mid-day craving.

4. Jerky and Beef Sticks

Consider keeping a few sticks of jerky or dried beef sticks handy. They’re easy to eat and store well almost anywhere. It’s another protein-packed snack you can enjoy during the most hectic of days.

5. Greek Yogurt and Granola

If you don’t have time to sit down for lunch, make time to snack on Greek yogurt and granola. This healthy snack is a delicious way to get your dairy, grains, and protein in for the day. And it’s easy to pack or order on the go.

6. Popcorn Is Still the Perfect Snack

Don’t forget to stash popcorn in your bag, in the car, and at the office. It’s a great go-to snack that’s light enough to eat a lot of yet satisfying and filling. Steer clear of the fast food or vending machines when you can enjoy hot, buttery popcorn. And don’t forget, you can get sweet flavors and other popcorn varieties for those days you have a sweet tooth. 

7. Fruit-Infused Water 

When those hunger pangs overtake you, grab the water. Infuse it with slices of fruit, like orange or lemon, for added antioxidants. Sometimes, your craving might be an indication of poor hydration. And fruit-infused water can take the edge off during those most hectic of event planning days.

So, what’s your favorite healthy-conscious snack to keep on hand? Add a few extras from this list to your snacking arsenal and keep your energy boosted throughout the day! For more tips and insights for being the best event planner you can be, make sure you get on the waitlist to attend The Event Planner Expo 2023!

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