How to Craft a Riveting Press Release for Your Next Big Event

May 9, 2022 Mario Stewart

Writing a riveting press release is more about systems and structure than it is about sterling creativity. This especially is true in the event space. 

You want as much exposure as possible because it's your audience that will ultimately make the event a successful one. In the following article, we'll be discussing the systems and structure that you'll need to make your release top-notch. Let's begin.

1. Nail Down the WWWWWH

No, we didn't fall asleep and mash down the keyboard. WWWWWH stands for the following:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • How

If you've ever read anything on how to write a press release for an event, you've probably seen this information addressed. 

You want this information at the beginning. It gives your audience everything they need to know about why they should care and allows them to see whether the rest of your press release will be worth their time.

2. Use the Inverted Pyramid

Any event press release should follow the inverted pyramid style of writing that journalists use. Once you get past the introduction, you need to present any pertinent information in a hierarchy of most important to least important.

The big details are what will grab your audience. They should be as prominent as possible.

Before you begin your press release, jot down each piece of information you wish to include and assign them a number signifying their importance. It'll make writing the press release that much easier when you sit down to do it.

3. Include Personalities

Any sample press release for an event should allow your audience to hear directly from the significant parties involved. This could be your president, vice-president, event organizer, or anyone else associated with the production.

4. Connect to the Right Audience

Another important part of writing a press release for an event is to go beyond the writing itself. Think about who your audience will be and what will be important to them.

Speak to them in a language that connects, whether that's conversational, formal, playful. Above all, it should be accessible to anyone with an interest in what you're trying to do.

5. Include Contact Info

Also, a press release for an event should give those receiving the press release the necessary means to reach you if they have any follow-up questions. Consider who'll be reading it first.

It may be media contacts. They know how to package your release into a story that'll best draw in readers. 

Make it easy for them to find you. Put a directly accessible email and phone number on there at the top as well as company information at the bottom. As a result, you could end up reaching a much larger audience than you ever could on your own. 

6. Distribute at the Right Time

Submit your press release through online distribution services, but also do the work it takes to make direct media contacts in your industry. Learn what each source's needs are with regard to timeliness.

Giving them enough advance notice will improve your chances of gaining extra media. You don't want to be too early, though, or you could end up being forgotten. Here are some tips on how to meet deadlines when event planning.

The More Riveting Press Release You Have the Bigger Your Event Will Be

Writing a riveting press release is about using the structure we've presented here. It's also about adding your company's unique vision and voice to every paragraph. 

To do event planning like a pro, consider heading to The Event Planner Expo 2022. Contact us today with any questions you have about registration. 

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