Keynote Speakers? Insights for Crafting the Perfect Speaker Bios

September 20, 2023 Mario Stewart

As a brilliant New York event planner, you're likely experienced with booking top-notch guest speakers and high-profile keynotes. It's especially important for those whose forte lies in corporate events, conferences, and fundraising galas. But when you’re bringing in those great keynote speakers, you also have to sell the sizzle about these appearances and presentations to your event crowd. And while you’re busy event planning and marketing your speakers, don’t overlook the importance of building a winning speaker bio. Today, we’ll share insights to help you showcase your stage presenters the right way, building excitement and enthusiasm around your event. A well-crafted speaker's bio can be huge for the speaker, your event, your event client, and your business!

What Is a Speaker Bio?

A speaker bio is a blurb or summary of a keynote speaker’s credentials. The bio usually includes educational achievements, work history, and relevant experience relating to the presentation topic. And when crafted correctly, the bio can be a great selling point for your event and speaking engagements.

What to Include in a Speaker’s Bio

Typically, a speaker’s bio will include a core roster of details. When drafting the summaries for your New York event speakers, make sure each includes the following:

  • Name & Title
  • Status & Affiliation 
  • Relevant Niche Experience
  • Accomplishments & Awards
  • Education & Qualifications
  • Previous High-Profile Speaking Engagements

Insights for Writing a Winning Speaker Bio

When crafting your speaker bios, these are the insights to know to ensure they’re attractive, appealing, and effective. 

  • Tailor your bio writing style to meet your event audience.
  • Tie in your event theme with each speaker's bio.
  • Bios need to be easy to read, so break up long sentences and make use of bullets and bolding.
  • Tie in credibility and include social proof in the form of testimonials.
  • Review and polish your content before publishing or sharing.
  • Write speaker bios in the third person.
  • Make a list of details first, then write your bio summary.
  • Infuse each speaker's bio with personality and character.

Learn Even More Insights at The Event Planner Expo 

Bring in those monumental and legendary guest speakers. Book the celebrity appearances. And sign the best of the industry best for your event presentations. Just don’t forget to make the speaker bio stand out, too. Discover even more event planning insights when you attend The Event Planner Expo 2023! All Access tickets are available now - see Gary Vaynerchuk and Marcy Blum!

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