How to Create a Killer Booth Pitch

July 20, 2015 Megan Stoeckel

Unlike any other pitch, an exhibitor’s pitch at The Event Planner Expo is not typically intended to aim for funding. Usually, it’s an introduction to your product or service for a brand new audience as you convince them that your business deserves their attention. So when you’re ready to deliver your two-minute pitch, here are some points to consider:

1. Start Small and Make It Memorable:

Explain what your product or service does/offers in a succinct and clear way. This may not be as easy as it sounds, but it is a decisive element to the success of your pitch.

Use poems, songs, props, or even role-playing tactics as a great way to stand out at your booth. Anything you think will help the pitch flow in a smooth manner and help eliminate nervousness that could cause you to forget lines or stutter. The more “you” that exists in your pitch, the easier it will be for an attendee to relate and connect with you.

2. Two Minutes is All You Got:

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. Two minutes is a really short amount of time, and it doesn’t allow you to go into great detail. Knowing that rule is your starting point and utilizing the limited period to the best of your ability is the 2nd and final point. In fact, to be humorous, feel free to use a timer and incorporate it into your pitch. “Can I steal two minutes of your time?” You’ll be happy that you were not interrupted as they listen to your two minutes.

3. Fatigue Sets in Quickly For the Judges:

The pitch process can be very exciting, but also rather draining. After an attendee has listened to about ten pitches over a 20-minute span, they are mentally (and sometimes physically) tired. They’d much rather rely on their colleague’s advice about your product or service and move on. Keep this tidbit in mind when delivering your memorable pitch. Now you understand why you need to go the extra mile to capture their attention.

4. Make Your Pitch Relatable While You Perform:

Deliver your pitch, from a guest’s perspective if it’s possible. Where did the idea come from? Did an “a-ha” moment present itself? How will your company make their life easier? A great story makes the viewers relate to you and can win over their hearts and minds.

5. The Pitch is Just the Beginning:

Two minutes will speed on by, but your pitch may tempt a spectator to becoming your client, spark up a great conversation, or lure in an investor from the crowd. Pitching in itself is an art, and you can use your talent to gain press coverage and more attention for your brand. Don’t forget to take advantage of this opportunity.

Crafting a flawless two-minute pitch is certainly a challenge, but with any luck these tips will help you rise to the challenge! We hope that they are useful while you prepare for the NY Event Planners Expo.


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