8 Strategies for Elevating Your Event Marketing Game This Year

April 1, 2024 Mario Stewart

Whether you're a seasoned event pro in NYC or just dipping your toe into the world of event planning for your first year, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. We'll explore innovative event marketing strategies and proven techniques to elevate your event marketing game in the year ahead. From harnessing the power of social media to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, let's dig into the REAL methods for creating unforgettable event experiences and maximizing your reach in 2024.

1. Narrow your audience targeting with heavy social media

Social media platforms offer powerful tools for targeted advertising and engagement. With features like custom audience targeting, demographic filters, and interest-based targeting, event planners can tailor their ads to reach specific groups of users who are most likely to be interested in their events. Additionally, engaging with potential followers through comments, direct messages, and interactive content helps foster a sense of community around your events. This two-pronged approach not only increases event brand visibility but also drives meaningful interactions that can lead to conversions (in the form of RSVPS) and long-term event loyalty.

2. Create buzz with early-access discounts and perks

Offering early bird discounts or promotions is a proven event marketing strategy to incentivize early registration for your NYC events. By providing discounts or special offers to those who register early, you create a sense of urgency and encourage attendees to commit sooner rather than later. This not only helps boost early ticket sales but also provides a financial incentive for attendees to plan ahead and secure their spot at the event. Additionally, early bird promotions can generate excitement and buzz around the event, increasing overall attendance and engagement - a win-win-win.

3. Deputize influencers and event supporters to magnify your message

Collaborating with influencers or industry experts can seriously boost event visibility and attract a much larger audience. By partnering with individuals who have a strong following and influence within your target audience, you can leverage their reach to promote your NYC event to a wider demographic. Influencers can create engaging content about your event, share it with their followers, and generate ROI-driving buzz leading up to the event date. Their endorsement adds credibility and authenticity to your event, too. Additionally, influencers and event supporters can bring unique insights or perspectives that appeal to their audience, further enhancing the overall appeal of your event.

4. Invite thousands with inbox invitations

Build an email list of interested event prospects and past attendees so you can send targeted and personalized messages that highlight the value proposition of your event. Be sure to draft some compelling subject lines and incorporate visually appealing designs to capture recipients' attention and encourage them to open your emails. Provide relevant information about the event upfront, too. Announce speakers, agenda highlights, and special offers to entice recipients to register. Segment your lists based on demographics, interests, or past interactions to ensure that each recipient receives their invitation and content tailored to their preferences. Additionally, leverage email automation tools to schedule follow-up messages, reminders, and event updates.

5. Lure event attendees with landing pages and funnels

Creating engaging and informative event landing pages on your event website is crucial for driving registrations and generating interest in your event. Start by designing visually appealing and user-friendly landing pages that highlight key information about the event, like the date, time, location, agenda, and speakers. Use compelling headlines and persuasive copy to communicate why visitors should register. Incorporate high-quality images, videos, and testimonials to showcase past events or speakers and create excitement among potential attendees. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that prompt visitors to register or learn more about the event, and ensure that registration forms are easy to find and fill out. Optimize the landing pages for search engines to increase visibility and drive organic traffic. Track everything, including page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, to measure your landing page strategy.

6. Host pre-event ‘lives’ and virtual event Q&A sessions

Hosting pre-event "lives" and virtual event Q&A sessions can significantly boost your event marketing efforts. By going live on social media platforms or hosting virtual Q&A sessions, you can engage with your audience in real time, build excitement, and address any questions or concerns they may have about the event. These interactive sessions allow event planners to provide valuable information about the event, share behind-the-scenes insights, and showcase key speakers or features. Be sure to promote these sessions across your social media channels and email newsletters to maximize attendance and engagement.

7. Brag about your event hashtags

Event hashtags are more than just words—they're a powerful tool for amplifying your event's reach and engagement. By leveraging carefully crafted hashtags, you can join the conversation, connect with attendees and sponsors, and showcase your event to a broader audience. With hashtags tailored to your event's theme, location, and key features, you'll stand out on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter,) Instagram, and LinkedIn. Plus, a dedicated hashtag strategy ensures consistency and event visibility, so you can be confident that your event will continue to create buzz even after it’s over. So go ahead, brag about our event hashtags—they're the secret sauce that takes your event from ordinary to extraordinary!

8. Bring in local businesses for more event credibility

Collaborating with local businesses can significantly enhance the credibility and appeal of your event. By partnering with established local brands, you not only add a sense of authenticity but also tap into their existing customer base, boosting your event's reach. Whether it's securing sponsorship from prominent local businesses or inviting them to participate as vendors or exhibitors, their involvement lends credibility and prestige to your event. Additionally, local businesses can provide valuable resources, expertise, and promotional support, further enhancing the overall experience for attendees. By bringing in reputable local businesses, you not only bolster your event's credibility but also foster stronger community connections and support.

Learn even more event marketing strategies at The Expo

Take your event marketing to the next level with these strategies. And for more insights and even more access to emerging methods and key channels for growing your events and event business, make sure you secure your spot at this year’s Event Planner Expo! Get on the waitlist now and don’t miss a single announcement - including BIG NEWS coming soon! 

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