Boost Ticket Sales to Your Event Right Now by Doing These 6 Things

September 27, 2022 Jessica Stewart

So, you want to boost your ticket sales. And you feel like you’ve already leveraged every possible method for increasing reach, frequency, and engagement. Keep reading. There might be a few more ways to really catapult your ticket sales to a whole new level. Check out this list and see if you can boost your sales.

1. Heavy-Up on Your Most Successful Channel

Most event planners will tap into multiple ticket sales channels to promote their upcoming events. Pay attention to your metrics within the first week or two. Or look back at historical data from previous events using similar ticket sales channels. When you can identify which channel performs best, you now have an opportunity to boost sales. Lead with your best foot forward and double up on the channel that works best in converting sales. Advertising where you can and heaving up on event listings with those top-performing channels can create an immediate surge in ticket sales.

2. How Price Increases Can Boost Ticket Sales

Consider increasing your ticket prices as your event date approaches. Some methods suggest guests are inspired to buy when they see that the longer they wait, the more they’ll pay to attend. Don’t price your tickets beyond affordability. But consider creating marginal increases to market with your audiences and see another boost in sales as a result.

3. How Price Discounts Can Boost Ticket Sales

Pricing discounts are great tools for boosting sales, too. If you have an opportunity to create a flash sale or incentivize “now” pricing, a discounted ticket could become a hot commodity. Consider introducing a discount and then support that effort with a dedicated email and social media campaign to promote it. You’ll love the surge in sales.

4. Appealing to a New Audience

If you want to explore a significant boost in ticket sales, consider marketing to an entirely new audience segment. Explore beyond your buyer personas and see if there is another market segment that would benefit from attending your event. You can then cater a precise message to reach that new audience and tap into additional channels to attract them.

5. Introduce New Marketing Channels

Event planners can be creatures of habit. And if you have a suite of ticket sales channels and marketing platforms that work well, you might not be concerned with finding new channels. However, adding in additional channels beyond the core batch you currently have could be just the surge your ticket sales bottom line needs.

6. Launch a Referral Program

If you haven’t already, develop a referral program with unique incentives for those who have already purchased tickets or who already champion your event. Tap into the enthusiasm of others and deputize them into being valuable salespeople with rewards and recognition. It’s like arming a whole other team of loyal event goers to help spread the word.

What do you do when you need a boost to your ticket sales? Consider these methods for your next event, and watch your conference sell out altogether! And speaking of selling out, you should make sure you have your tickets for The Event Planner Expo 2022 this October!

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