Land More Event Sponsors with These 6 Email Suggestions

September 6, 2023 Mario Stewart

New York event planners who routinely coordinate corporate events, fundraising galas, and company conferences will always be looking for event sponsors. But there are proven techniques for landing those sponsorships, especially when you’re reaching out via email. If you’re an event planner who’s hungry for insights and suggestions about crafting brilliant emails that convert new sponsors, keep reading. Every unique event will call for a unique approach to sponsors. But these are the pillar insights to consider before sending out those sponsorship emails.

1. Introduce Yourself and Your Role

When you’re putting together email templates for attracting event sponsors, make sure the first sentence is introductory. Personalize your greeting and e-intro yourself and the event. Describe your role as the New York event coordinator, responsible for aligning event support and curating the event experience. 

2. Sell the Event Sizzle

Next up in your sponsorship email are a few brief sentences that sell the sizzle of the event itself. Describe who the invite audience is, as it aligns with the potential sponsor’s audience. Include good causes, event purpose, and community impact associated with your event. Make it enticing and exciting with bullet points and enthusiastic language.

3. Highlight the Benefits of Supporting the Event

The next segment of your sponsorship request email will outline the direct benefits the recipient can expect from becoming a sponsor. List perks and extras you’re extending to those participating sponsors, including contact lists, layers of brand advertising, VIP tickets, etc. In one convenient section, you’re essentially capturing WHY the recipient should become an event sponsor.

4. Present the Sponsorship Opportunities

Wrap up the “meat and potatoes” section of your email with a brief description of the sponsorship opportunities. Keep this in list form, however you have them tiered. You can provide links here that take recipients to your event landing page or dedicated sponsorship landing page for more information and opt-in options. For the email, just lay out the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum levels of sponsorship to demonstrate more than one way to support your NYC event.

5. Drop in Sponsorship Success Stories

Now’s a great opportunity to include any past event sponsor testimonial statements or short success stories. Highlight the ROI past sponsors told you about, using one or two short sentences. This testimonial is going to solidify the value of sponsoring events with you.

6. Ask for the Support

Conclude your sponsorship email with a strong call to action, directly asking for the recipient’s support. Provide links for these folks to follow to opt in and select their level of support. Include your contact information and availability for further questions. And be just as enthusiastic about assuming they’re going to want to become a sponsor as you are about the event itself. Make it a no-brainer for them to get involved and make it easy for them to do so.

For more insights into boosting your results with email marketing or landing event sponsors, make sure you’re in the room with the event industry’s best at The Event Planner Expo 2023

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