Event Security: What NYC Event Planners Need to Know

April 21, 2023 Mario Stewart

While most of the event planning amenities and features you curate for your customers’ events add aesthetics, experiences, and designs, there’s one aspect of planning that’s all about safety. Today’s New York event planners know the importance of safety considerations for every event and conference they plan. But there’s more to know about event security, and we’re sharing tools, resources, and insights event planners need to know in 2023. 

Understanding the Security Risks

Whenever you assemble groups of people together in one space, you always run the risk of something going awry. But as an event planner, you can’t prepare for security until you first recognize and understand the various safety and event security risks at hand. Here are security and safety-related scenarios that can arise, regardless of the venue, the crowd, or the situation.

  • Attendee injuries or falls
  • Property damage
  • Crowd control concerns
  • Troublesome guests (invited or otherwise)
  • Unexpected situations 

Understanding the Different Types of Event Security

In addition to understanding the various event security risks, it’s also best to know what types of security you can choose to have with your events. In general, there are six types of security to consider. These include:

General Security: This is non-specialized security, in the form of one or many personnel responsible for overseeing the event security, in a broad sense. 

  • 1 Security Person - ideal for events with ten or less guests
  • 2-5 Security Personnel - ideal for events with up to 50 guests
  • 5-15 Security Personnel - ideal for up to 250 guests
  • 15+ Security Personnel - ideal for up to 1000 guests

Private Bodyguards: This is a specialized security detail for an individual or group of high-profile guests. Celebrities, public officials, keynote speakers, or famous personalities benefit from private security.

Gatekeepers: These security professionals are usually set up at the event’s entrance and are responsible for verifying guests’ invitations and access. They’re often staged at a venue’s entrances and exits in case of emergency.

Crowd Control: For large-scale events, crowd control event security is on-hand to guide groups of guests and provide calming direction to the crowd. This might include directing foot traffic or unruly crowd responses.

Mobile Patrol: This type of security is on the move and reserved for those events that span more than one physical location. Some events call for car transportation, bike security, or mounted patrol. 

Armed Guards: Armed guards harness weapons as added security measures for certain high-profile events. Ultimately, if there is a threat assessed to any person or property, armed guards are used. 

Digital Event Security Tools

In addition to event security personnel, you can explore the various digital security tools available. These are designed to streamline and safeguard guest experiences while maintaining safe and secure spaces. Explore these software solutions for your event security management efforts:

  • Crowd Management Software
  • Secure Payment Processing
  • Venue Monitoring (Cameras and Alarms)
  • Emergency Response Software
  • Event Communication for Surveillance 
  • Facial Recognition Software
  • RFID Tags for Event Access
  • Ticket Scanning & QR Codes
  • Digital Clearance for VIP

Safety Precautions Worth Taking Every Time

Most events will likely go off without a hitch and without security or safety incidents. But as a New York event planner, it’s always best to lay in some general safety precautions and steps to mitigate any potential risks that could lead to adverse event experiences. 

  • Know your venue’s every corner and layout, including exits.
  • Review attendee risks, including potential disruptors buying tickets or those bringing dangerous items.
  • Use signage, cones, or tape to keep exits open and lines organized.
  • Leverage crowd surveillance to keep an eye on anyone who may become suspicious or present with a physical emergency.
  • Maximize communication with your staff, security personnel, and venue teams with apps or walkie-talkies.
  • Discuss security with your event clients and identify if they believe there are risks worth planning for or preparing against.

Discover More Insights at The Event Planner Expo 2023

Event security is an important element of your event planning process. Keep these insights and best practices in mind to ensure your events are safe and secure every time. And for more event security trends and other business-boosting advice, make sure you get tickets to The Event Planner Expo 2023! It’s the city’s #1 event conference for professionals in the events, hospitality, and marketing industries. Top brands and influencers will be in attendance over three full days of high-energy networking. And it’s the one place you’re guaranteed to walk away with improved knowledge and expertise. 

Get tickets, explore exhibitor availability, and become a sponsor and make 2023 your best event planning year yet!

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