How to Start an Event Planner Business on Your Own

April 16, 2024 Jessica Stewart

So you've decided to follow your heart and start the event planning business of your dreams. Congratulations on stepping into a world where creativity meets organization, moments are artfully crafted, and passion takes center stage.

The path you've chosen isn't just about coordinating logistics. In this industry, success comes from creating unforgettable experiences, fulfilling dreams, and crafting meaningful moments for those you serve.

In this blog, we'll explore the details of event planning and how to start an event planner business you and your clients will love.

Understanding the Event Planning Industry

Different types of events, whether grand or intimate, have unique requirements based on their nature. Every event, be it a wedding or a corporate gathering, needs its own unique approach.

Before starting an event planning business, take time to explore the different types of events out there and understand what goes into them. This helps you see how big the world of event planning really is and where you might fit in.

How to Start an Event Planner Business in 9 Simple Steps

Starting an event planning business doesn't have to be as hard as you think. Follow the steps below to get started in the right direction.

1. Get Familiar With the Event Planning Industry

Take a look at event planning on a global scale. Take note of how events are organized and celebrated around the world. Next, think about the specific part of event planning you're interested in, like weddings or parties. Explore what's unique about that particular area.

Knowing what's happening worldwide helps you see how diverse and big celebrations can be. It also opens up opportunities to get inspired, learn from various traditions, and incorporate fresh ideas into your event planning business. By understanding cultural preferences and exploring trends that go beyond borders, you enhance your understanding of how events impact people worldwide.

Make sure you reflect on the event planning scene in your local area or state as well. Knowing what's happening locally can give you valuable insights into potential customers and competitors close by.

2. Flesh out Your Purpose & Mission

This is like the heart of your business. It's a short, clear sentence explaining why your event planning business exists. It's what keeps you going every day.

A strong purpose ignites passion and motivation within you and your team. It becomes the driving force behind your work, fueling determination during challenging times.

It also helps set your business apart from competitors. A unique purpose sets you apart, attracting customers who resonate with your values and mission. When customers see your purpose aligns with their values, they're more likely to trust and engage with your business.

Moreover, your mission statement is all about the people you serve and how your business makes their lives better. Imagine your customers as the heroes in a story, and your mission is all about how you make their story better.

A well-crafted mission statement is customer-oriented. It highlights how your business adds value to your customers' lives, making it easier for them to understand what you offer and why they should choose you.

3. Picture the Future You Want to Create

A compelling vision statement involves clarity, inspiration, and a focus on the impact your business aims to make. Keep it short and simple. Your vision statement should be easy to understand and remember. Aim for a sentence or two that encapsulates your aspirations.

Describe the ultimate transformation you want to create for your clients. What positive change or experience will they have because of your services?

Use language that inspires enthusiasm and motivation. It should evoke emotion and passion, conveying excitement about the future you envision. Avoid specifics like dates or technologies. A good vision statement should be relevant and inspiring for years to come.

Once you have a draft, test it against your business goals and values. Tweak and adjust until it feels authentic and inspiring.

4. Choose the Core Values Your Business Will Live By

Core values are the guiding principles or beliefs that steer how your business behaves and works. They're the important things your business cares about the most.

These values shape everything-how your team works together, how you create new offers or services, and what folks can expect when they work with you. They're like the heartbeat of your business.

Below is an example of core values from a popular event planning business:


  • Empowerment: Empowering event organizers and attendees to create and experience live events that enrich their lives

  • Community: Fostering connections and communities by bringing people together through shared experiences

  • Innovation: Embracing innovation to continually enhance event experiences for organizers and attendees

Think about what matters most to you and your business. Ask yourself: What kind of principles do I want my business to live by? These values will be the backbone of your business's character.

5. Identify Personal Strengths and Areas of Opportunity

This step can be achieved through a personal SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It involves making a list of things you're good at, things you're not so good at, chances you can take, and things that might get in the way.

Strengths are the things you're really good at when planning events. What makes you stand out and feel confident?

Weaknesses are areas where you might need a bit more practice or where you could improve. What are the things you're not so sure about yet?

Opportunities are like open doors-chances for personal growth. What new skills and information could help you succeed?

Threats are the things that could be obstacles or problems. What might get in the way of your event planning business doing well?

By thinking about these four things, you can get a better picture of what you're great at, what you need to work on, what chances you have to grow, and what might make things tricky. This will help you plan better and be ready for whatever comes your way.

6. Get to Know Your Ideal Customers

Imagine your best customers-those who love your service and keep coming back. Create profiles of these ideal clients beyond just basic info like age or location. Instead, focus on understanding what they need and value most about your services.

Think about the people you love working with. Are they couples planning a dream wedding? Maybe they're businesses looking to host corporate events. Describe them like characters in a story, including their goals and challenges.

Dive deeper into their needs and desires. Are they seeking stress-free planning? Do they value creativity or attention to detail? Understand what they prioritize when hiring an event planner.

Highlight the ways your services address their needs. Whether it's offering tailored event themes or providing budget-friendly solutions, showcase how you're the perfect fit for what they're looking for.

7. Spread the Word About Your New Business

A marketing strategy is how you tell everyone about your business and attract customers. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show people what you do. Share pictures and stories about events you've planned. It's like telling a story about your work to make people interested.

Sometimes, you might need to pay to reach more people. This could mean putting ads on social media or other websites where your potential customers spend time.

However, there are ways to spread the word without spending money. This could be writing blogs, being active in online communities related to events, or getting featured in local newspapers or magazines. Share your expertise and let people know you're here to help.

8. Turn Plans into Profit With a Sales Strategy

When it comes to making your event planning business thrive, understanding how you'll earn money is crucial. Start by listing the services and products you want to sell. These could be wedding planning packages, corporate event organizing, or any unique offerings your business provides.

Next, identify your income sources and pricing strategy. It might be from clients directly paying for your services or through partnerships with venues and vendors. Think about how much money you expect to make over a certain period. This helps you set goals and plan for growth.

9. Attend Event Planning Conferences to Build Your Network

Networking for your event planning business is like making new friends in the world of parties and celebrations. Choose events that can help your business grow and where you can meet the kind of people you'd like to work with.

When you meet new people, start by asking them about what they do and listen carefully. Share what you do, too, but focus more on learning about others.

After the event, drop them a quick message saying you enjoyed meeting them and asking if they'd like to chat more sometime. You can also make friends online by joining social media groups or forums related to event planning.

Take the First Step by Joining Your Peers at the Next Event Planner Expo

Success thrives on preparation, strategy, and a clear vision. The Event Planner Expo is a place filled with expert advice, cutting-edge insights, and connections that can skyrocket your business. Everything you need to start learning how to start an event planner business. Secure your tickets before everything is sold out!

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