There are many ways a corporate event planner can relate to the new popular game "Pokemon Go". This trending game captures many characteristics that are strikingly similar to the goals of a corporate event planner and the way they run their business. Here's how:
The Idea of "Star Power."
Pokemon's game developer had previously created a game four years back, which is very similar to Pokemon Go. Unfortunately, the game did not pick up a huge success. Why? Because it did not have "Star Power". If the game developer had used Pokemon, an already world re-known famous game and brand then it would have been much more successful.
In the event industry, corporate event planners need to maximize their event success on “Star Power,” which, in this case, would be celebrity appearances, VIP guest speakers or famous singer performances. This Star Power is what will make people interested in you and your event. It is what will generally attract a bigger audience.
A Digital Reality
What augmented reality does is that it adds digital components to "reality" just like Pokemon Go in which you can see digital monsters on your phone that appear to be in the street in front of you. This blend of technology and the digital world with reality and actual geo-locations makes the experience of Pokemon Go a full rounded one, which cleverly merges fantasy, reality, and digital art.
Corporate event planners can relate to this since they like to merge digital art with reality. Undeniably, in many events, planners manage to show off high-tech devices, advanced products, and the importance of the digital era all while doing it in a "real setting".
In Pokemon Go, players receive many awards for different achievements like turning an egg into a Pokemon, going to certain poke gyms and poke-stops or capturing the powerful Pokemon. This keeps players coming back for more and engaging them with the game in which you have a possibility to grow.
This easily relates back to event planning because a lot of the time, corporate event planners need to find ways to keep their customers and clients engaged. This might result in rewarding individual customers online or in person for their participation in an event. For example, a startup event showcasing a new product might give some of the samples away for free to those who decided to attend the event in person as a way to encourage people to "come back next time."
Success Comes and Goes
Before Pokemon Go, Nintendo's last release was WiiU which was a complete failure, and it didn't get much popularity either. This just goes to show that even if you develop a game that doesn't take off, your next one might be the successful one. This demonstrates the importance of pushing the envelope and always aiming high in the gaming Industry.
Event planners relate well to this since they also have to continuously find ways to re-invent themselves, always reach high, and come up with innovative ideas for their next event. In the event industry, just because one of your events goes bad, doesn't mean you can't have a successful one in the future. All you truly need to do is work harder and push yourself creatively.